St. Andrews by the Sea Episcopal Church | Port Isabel, TX
St. Andrews by the Sea Episcopal Church
Your First Visit
When you First Arrive
Before the service you will find some of us catching up over coffee in the parish hall and others preparing themselves to worship in the Sanctuary. Please introduce yourself to Pastor Claudia or to one of our ushers. They will be happy to show you around and make you feel at home.
The Services
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Traditional Rite I Holy Eucharist
This quiet, contemplative service offers ancient Christian
prayers in King James English.
10:00 am - 11:15 am
Rite II Holy Eucharist with music
We worship with a variety of musical styles: choir, soloists, organ and guitar, playing hymns and songs that you know and love.
Currently, children join us in the service. We love their presence and we have special bags to help them get through the service. We expect to begin offering Children's Sunday school at 10:00 am this fall, so check back!
Our worship is "liturgical." That means that we follow a set pattern of prayers and rituals that have withstood the test of time. However, we are not especially high church; we keep our rituals simple and our style relaxed.
We have made it easy for those who come from a non-liturgical tradition to catch on quickly.
A Service Bulletin tells you what words to say, which songs to sing, when to stand, sit or kneel.
An insert inside your bulletin contains the Scripture readings for the day.
A numbered hymnal contains the lyrics and music to the songs we sing at the 10:00 am service.
The friendly person seated next to you in the pew will also be honored to help you.
You may very well be here on vacation, and do not have what you might consider “church clothes” with you. Casual dress is the norm here, though some people also like to wear their Sunday best.
Parking is available both on the street and in the parking lot adjacent to the church. You may enter the church through either the Parish Hall, located on the north end of the parking lot, or through the red doors near the walled garden that leads directly into the church.
Coffee and Conversation
People from both services greet each other at 9:00 am over coffee and treats. On the third Sunday of each month, we share a pot luck breakfast. Many people also remain after the 10:00 am service as well.